Crate rlg

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§RustLogs (RLG)

RustLogs (RLG) is a robust and flexible logging library for Rust applications. It provides a simple, readable output format and offers various features to enhance your application’s logging capabilities.


  • Structured log formats for easy parsing and filtering.
  • Support for multiple output formats including:
    • Common Event Format (CEF)
    • Extended Log Format (ELF)
    • Graylog Extended Log Format (GELF)
    • JavaScript Object Notation (JSON)
    • NCSA Common Log Format (CLF)
    • W3C Extended Log File Format (W3C)
    • Syslog Format
    • Apache Access Log Format
    • Logstash Format
    • Log4j XML Format
    • NDJSON (Newline Delimited JSON)
  • Configurable logging destinations (file, stdout, network).
  • Log rotation support.
  • Asynchronous logging for improved performance.



  • Configuration module for RustLogs. Configuration module for RustLogs (RLG).
  • Error handling module
  • Core logging functionality.
  • Log format definitions and implementations.
  • Log level definitions and implementations.
  • Macros for convenient logging.
  • Utility functions module


  • This macro conditionally logs a debug message if the debug_enabled feature flag is set.
  • This macro creates an ERROR level log entry with a default session ID and format. The session ID is generated randomly and the log format defaults to CLF.
  • This macro creates a FATAL level log entry with a default session ID and format. The session ID is generated randomly and the log format defaults to CLF.
  • This macro creates an INFO level log entry with a default session ID and format. The session ID is generated randomly and the log format defaults to CLF.
  • This macro simplifies the creation of log entries with specific parameters. It returns a new Log instance based on the provided session ID, time, level, component, description, and format.
  • This macro conditionally logs a message based on a predicate.
  • This macro asynchronously logs a message to a file. It returns the result of the logging operation, which could be used to check the success or failure of the logging action.
  • This macro logs with metadata. It replaces specific keys in the log message with consistent ones.
  • This macro prints a log entry to the standard output (stdout). It is useful for debugging or simple logging to the console.
  • This macro sets the log format to CLF if it is not already defined.
  • This macro creates a TRACE level log entry with a default session ID and format. The session ID is generated randomly and the log format defaults to CLF.
  • This macro creates a WARN level log entry with a default session ID and format. The session ID is generated randomly and the log format defaults to CLF.


  • The current version of the RustLogs crate.